Apply For Aid

ITC students use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for financial aid. The FAFSA should be received at the federal processor by December 1st for priority consideration for our aid programs for the school year.

Go to to apply for a Personal Identification Number (PIN) from the U.S. Department of Education if you don’t already have one. After you receive your PIN, go to and follow directions to file the FAFSA (and signature page if directed to do so). File your FAFSA as soon after October 1st as possible, noting the Interdenominational Theological Center, Code #001568 on the form.

Application for financial aid is separate from application for admission. For priority consideration, you must meet our financial aid deadline (your FAFSA must be dated and received by the Federal Processor by December 1st) even if you don’t know whether you will be accepted for admission. To qualify for financial aid, you must be admitted to ITC in an approved degree program (most non-matriculated students are not eligible for student aid), and meet minimum enrollment requirements.

If you do not want to use FAFSA on the Web, you can obtain a paper version FAFSA by calling 1-800-4FEDAID. All applications must be received by the federal processor by December 1 for priority consideration for our aid programs.

Beginning with the 2017-218 Award Year, students may complete the FAFSA as early as October 1 using tax information from the prior year. Because of this change in filing date, students should use “actual” tax information to meet the December 1st priority deadline by using the FAFSA Data Retrieval Tool when completing the FAFSA Form.

Student Aid Report (SAR) From the Federal Processor

You will receive an e-mail to access Student Aid Report (SAR) information after you send in your FAFSA. (If an e-mail address was not supplied, a paper SAR will be mailed). You must make any corrections requested on the form and mail or transmit it back as directed. You should correct any estimated income data when actual data is available, correct your name (which should match the name the Social Security Administration has for you), social security number and date of birth if inaccurate.

Award Notices

We begin sending award notices in the spring and continue through the summer. Award notices are sent to you electronically so please check your ITC e-mail and PowerCampus regularly. The award notice shows you the types and amount of aid you are eligible to receive. Your award may be an estimate until we complete the review of your FAFSA information or the review for Satisfactory Academic Progress. You may accept or decline your award offer by completing and returning the ITC Accept/Decline Award Offer Form. Unaccepted awards are subject to cancellation.

Review Process

You may be asked at any time to submit documents or other information to be used in the review of your application. Please respond to any request as soon as possible; review of your file may be delayed until all requested documents are submitted. The volume of material to be reviewed is substantial and we appreciate your patience during the review process.