
Thank you for your interest in applying to the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC). Here, you’ll learn alongside other denominations, sharing doctrines and perspectives on a daily basis. You’ll engage with others different than you, learning to respect those differences, but seeing the similarities, too. Our goal is to prepare leaders and visionaries who can help create a better world…the “beloved community.” With an understanding of, and appreciation for, other denominations as well as other world religions, you’ll learn to value everyone, in every community – as part of a seminary education that looks, feels and interacts like the real world.


Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Offered on ITC Campus and Online

The Master of Divinity degree is designed to integrate theological studies and the work of ministry so that theory and practice, academy and parish, become complementary components of the educational process. Studies leading to the M.Div. degree fulfill the nature, purpose, and objectives of ITC with an interdisciplinary focus, thus providing a basic graduate professional education for engagement in ordained ministry.

Master of Arts in Christian Education (M.A.C.E.)

The Master of Arts in Christian Education degree is designed to equip leaders to provide Christian religious educational ministries for the contemporary church and global community. The program exists for, but is not limited to, laypersons that desire to contribute in leadership capacities to the church’s ministries as well as those who wish to pursue nontraditional educational ministry vocations beyond the church.

Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.)

The Doctor of Ministry degree program is offered through collaboration with the Atlanta Theological Association (ATA) to qualified men and women currently engaged in ministry. ATA is composed of Interdenominational Theological Center, Candler School of Theology, Columbia Theological Seminary, Erskine Theological Seminary, and the Georgia Association for Pastoral Care.