Welcome to The Morehouse School of Religion
New Dean of The Morehouse School of Religion
Reverend Dr. Antonio D. Proctor, Sr. as Interim Dean of the Morehouse School of Religion, Senior Admissions Officer and Director of Academic Support Advisement at the Interdenominational Theological Center. Dr. Proctor is a firm supporter of education and the undeniable opportunities that education presents. Dr. Proctor’s post-secondary educational journey includes the following: Emmanuel College (Franklin Springs, Georgia) where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Middle Grades Education; Georgia College and State University (Milledgeville, Georgia) where he graduated with Honors with a Master of Education in Educational Administration and Supervision; and Morehouse School of Religion at the ITC (Atlanta, Georgia), where he received both a Master of Divinity with a concentration in Homiletics and a Doctor of Ministry with a concentration in community organizing.
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